JLL東京オフィスの見学/ Tour of JLL Tokyo Office


JLL東京オフィスは、2023年度グッドデザイン賞を受賞しました。今回見学させていただくオフィスでは、Activity Based Working (ABW)の導入により、社員が自身の業務に最適な場所を自由に選べる柔軟な働き方が非常に印象的でした。また、オフィス内には大型モニターも設置されており、利用者は自分の位置を確認しやすく、全体の動きを把握することで、自由度を保ちながらも秩序を保ち、効率を向上させています。



We were guided by Mr. Yuji Mizokami, visiting professor at Hiroshima University and an alumnus of our Seminar, to visit JLL’s Tokyo Office.

At JLL’s Tokyo office, we were impressed by the flexible working style of the employees who can freely choose the most suitable location for their work through the introduction of Activity Based Working.  Monitors are also installed in the office, making it easy for users to check their positions and keep track of the overall movement, maintaining order and improving efficiency while maintaining a degree of freedom. Each area has its own space suitable for concentration and communication. In particular, the space inspired by the “Enko-gawa” incorporates Japanese elements and functions as a warm place to relax during breaks from work, creating a natural harmony in the working environment.

It was an amazing experience for us to learn not only the advanced architectural spatial expression, but also Mr. Mizukami’s thoughts on traditional culture and architecture.

李 / Li


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