当ゼミと連携して佐木島での空き家の解体とアップサイクルに関する実践と研究を行っているThe Red Dot Schoolさんと空き家をアップサイクルするための「解体祭」を行いました。
We held a “Demolition Festival” to upcycle vacant houses with The Red Dot School, which is conducting practice and research on demolition and upcycling of vacant houses on Sakishima in cooperation with our seminar.

This is the second demolition festival, the first being last September.The vacant house we demolished this time is a one-story house with mud walls, right next to the sea.

We are always thinking about new “making” in the laboratory and in talking with craftspeople, but at the demolition ceremony, we are able to experience firsthand the composition and accumulation of time of what has actually been made, as well as the distant future of what has been made, which is very stimulating.
また、The Red Dot Schoolは世界各地から学生が集まってきており、異なるバックグラウンドを持つ同年代との交流は新たな発見や驚きの連続でした。
In addition, The Red Dot School has students from all over the world, and interacting with students of the same age from different backgrounds was full of new discoveries and surprises.

Everyone had okonomiyaki and yakisoba for dinner!